February 8, 2025

Sounds Like A Good Idea? Selling Insurance Across State Lines

By Julie Rovner and Francis Ying California Healthline

Presidential candidates like to propose solutions to long-standing problems. Health care is no exception.

But there’s a reason some problems are “long-standing.” They may have no easy solution. Or the solution is not politically feasible. Or there’s a solution that sounds good on the campaign trail but is not likely to actually work.

In this first of a series of videos of health policy promises that “sound like a good idea,” Julie Rovner explores why increasing competition in health insurance by allowing sales of policies across state lines might not be such a good idea after all: http://californiahealthline.org/news/sounds-like-a-good-idea-selling-insurance-across-state-lines/

This story was produced by Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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