We’re looking for people with knowledge and opinions.
Be a thought leader in your world and ours.

We are the only Life and Health insurance publication with California content for brokers. There is no other state broker publication and the national books don’t cover California. For example, we put out an annual directory with 600 listings which include profiles of the health & benefit carriers in the state as well as brokerage general agents and the products they offer. 

We are always interested in bylined articles on subjects of specific interest to our readers, especially regarding health, life, disability insurance, annuities and financial planning. If you would like to propose or submit an exclusive article or opinion piece, e-mail the editor at publisher@calbrokermag.com.

Writer’s Guidelines

Word Count: We generally run stories as 2-page spreads (1,000 plus bio, photo, etc.)

Content: Submit in WORD document (not PDF) with photo attached. 

All articles should avoid self promotion, and address the following:

  • Why does a broker need to know this info and how do they use it to help themselves personally?
  • How does it help their own business, or their clients and/or client’s employees?
  • Cite some national or local information or study/research which supports the statements so it’s not just one person’s opinion.
  • Please stay ‘vendor neutral,’ and avoid pitching your own company or service. HOWEVER, do use specific examples of tools or resources that work and can be accessed by brokers. 

We do have offerings for ADVERTORIALS and Partnership/Sponsorship opportunities.
Contact publisher@calbrokermag.com

Print Topics: Any topic that is of interest to brokers of life & health insurance, and financial products such as annuities. See the editorial calendar below as a guideline for what we would like to cover each month. Again, please avoid self promotion.

Newsletter Topics: We publish news about products, hiring, promotions and philanthropy in our weekly newsletter. Please send those items in press release-style to publisher@calbrokermag.com with “Newsletter” in the subject line.

Use of Articles for marketing or other purposes: Feel free to reproduce articles in-house, for client marketing materials, or on your website. But you must credit California Broker Magazine as the publisher. Also, if you post the article on your website, please include a link to www.calbrokermag.com

Bio/Credit: In italics at the end of the article; please include name, title and company. Contact information, including phone number, email and social media is also encouraged.

Photos/Graphics: Please attach a separate high res jpeg photo of the author (NOT embedded). We welcome any charts or graphics in separate jpegs. Indicate in the copy where the graphic needs to go.

Scheduling: Articles are published as our schedule allows. We may publish an article in the next edition or hold it for a subsequent edition.

Deadlines: Deadlines are the first of the prior month – giving us a three-week lead time for planning, editing and production. For example, the deadline for the May edition is April.

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