Is Statewide Single-Payer Feasible, or Is It Just California Dreamin’?

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California’s leading progressives are currently debating – amicably, for the moment – when the right time will arrive to destroy the state’s healthcare system.

The frontrunner in the race for the governor’s mansion, current Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, has long championed single-payer health care. But he recently softened his support. “[Single-payer] is not an act that would occur by the signature of the next governor,” he recently said. “There’s a lot of mythology about that.”

His most progressive allies — including the California Nurses Association, which has led the charge for single-payer — appear to be in more of a hurry. “To get there, state leaders must have political will,” said Stephanie Roberson, a legislative advocate for the Association. (read more).